
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Festival Orchid At Danga Bay

Butterfly Orchids
Got the chance to see orchid festival few yeras back at Danga Bay. Many varieties of orcids but my favourite is butterfly orchid. My mom & mother in law love orchids too. I have to learn how to take care of orchids coz i am not really good at it but i love to see the bright colours.

Orchids in Thailand

As we reach the airport in Bangkok, u got to see a lot of orchids & it is really beautifull.

The below orchids were at the orchid farm that we have the chance to see while river cruising at the Menam Chao Praya river.

Bangkok, Thailand Trip Dec'10

Bangkok, Thailand
Last school holiday my family & mom got the chance to visit Bangkok. Got to go to few places only coz Bangkok is to big. To go for one place to another took 2 hours. The below is at Ayuthaya.

To reach Ayuthaya needs 2 hrs by taxi. It is really tiring and there is a lot of "wat" or temple here. We didn't go in there as it is too many people & vey hot.

History left over.

Sungai Menam Caho Praya. Its very wide & long river so we have the chance to go river cruise.

Along the way a lot of "wat". 

Alot of houses at the left & right of the river.

Here there is fish. The boat will stop here & tourist will gave bread to the fish.

The man in the small boat is selling souvenior. Pity them but the price is too expensive. 

This is really an exciting  place to go. I would recommend u all to go here. We tought they give us boat with engine but oh no, they give us a small boat with one man & with no safety life jacket. The river is also big but a bit smaller than Menam Chao Praya. 

In the boat mostly women sell many things such as food, fruits, vegetable & etc.

Left & right people selling souveniors. Here u must know how to bargain, the price can go very low but there is some item even i bargain to low at few shops they still dont want to give me.

Congested traffic. So may boats with tourist on board. Where ever u go, u will see many mat salleh. They love sight seing, not like us will buy a lot of souveniers & unnecessary items. 

Fisrt time see, a nice large lotus flower.

Nice big louts flower. This is taken at Roses Grden. There are many roses here but not really nice so i did not put the photo here.

This is something unique, the onions & garlic. Bought these at Tesco in Bangkok.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daun Pudina, Limau Purut & Kangkung


Pokok Pudina ni susahnya nak tanam. Setiap minggu beli 2 ke 3 batang untuk ditanam tapi tak hidup sangat. Akhirnya dengan pertolongan Apek jual sayur kat pasar malam, dia telah beri kepada saya 2 cekak batang pudina yang tua untuk ditanam dan hasilnya lihatlah betapa segar daun pudina ku. Barulah dapat bau mintnya. Boleh lah letak dalam air teh o panas. Wangi. Nak gemukkan lagi pokok ni siram lah dengan air ikan.

At my kitchen pun , i put 1 pot of daun pudina.

Pokok kangkung ni is at my mom house. First time tengok pokok kangkung ada bunga. Oleh kerana terlalu teruja terus cabut & tanam di rumah ku.

Bunga pokok kangkung ni seperti bunga seri pagi. Tapi bunganya tak tahan lamalah. Saya tanam pokok ni bukan untuk dimakan tapi untuk melihat bunganya.

Pokok daun limau purut ni, belalang memang suka makan. Akibatnya pokok ni selalu togel. Aroma daun limau purut ni memang sedap. Terbau-bau masak asam pedas. Di sekelilingnya ialah pokok daun pengaga yang bagus di buat ulam.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

AQUARIA - KL, Siam & Singapore


Aquaria KL is next to KLCC taklah besar sangat. Jalan-jalan , pusing eh! Dah habis. Tak dapat ambil gambar banyak coz bateri camera habis. So guna handphone je to take the photos, sedihnya.


Seahorse ni memang cantik.


Aquaria Siam is at Siam Paragon, Bangkok. Its in a shopping comlplex. Tiket nak masuk ni memaglah sangat mahal about RM100.00 per person but this is a package whereby ada fish reflexology, tour in the boat(as per below photo), free popcorn & drinks.

This activity is fun coz u got to see the fish under u. Very scary sebab botnya bergoyang-goyang.

Pandangan dari gelas kaca bot.

Ada penguin show.

Divers beri all the fish makan. 

Show where the divers feeding the fish.

Jelly fish

Jelly fish/Obor obor

Penguin can really swim very fast.


This aquaria is ni Sentosa Island. Been there 15yrs ago. Not much different but it is stuffy in there.

Giant Crab

Jelly Fish

Here ada dolphin show.

Left one more Aquaria yang tak pergi lagi, that is in Langkawi. Hopefully one day can go there.