
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hydrangeas or Bunga 3 bulan or Bunga Zulaika

Latest bloom at my in laws house. The pink colour is so sweet.

The blue hydrangeas is from my garden. Waited so long for it but worth waiting.
This were taken on 4/5/11.

From the same tree as above 2 photos, the below were taken on 15/6/11. Change from blue to a bit purplish.

Love it so much.


Hydrangeas yang baru berbunga setelah sekian lama di tanam. Lama nak tunggu ianya berbunga. Bunga segugus & can last long. Got it from my mother in law house.

The below two is from my mother in law house.

Below ni were at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore.

Nice blue hydrangeas.


  1. Thanks Izan. You should see the blog that i follow under " Aiken House & Gardens " she has very lovely hydrangeas. Tapi memanglah kat overseas memang cantik. But i love to c it no matters where.

  2. Salam..saya pun ada tanam hydrangea..warne light pink..try to increase the ph to make it more still light pink..huhuhu nice blog btw..

    1. Tq Mr Shah, my pink hydrangea tak berapa menjadi may be tak cukup baja....nak increase kan ph ta pandai sangat so i just biarkan saja....
