
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oreo Blueberries Cheese Cup Cakes

Cuba-cuba buat cheese cake dalam cupcake. Senang dan praktikal rasanya. Cuma leceh sebab nak tekankan dasarnya dalam setiap cupcake tapi seronok sambil ditolong oleh si anak dara.

Feel like doing cheesecake in a cupcake. Its a bit practical when comes to eating. Just scoop and straight to the mouth. The only tedious part is to press the biscuits in the cup but with the help from my daughter, everything finish very fast.

The base.

Sebelum dimasak.
Before bake.

Dalam oven, kelihatan seperti ais krim. Dibakar tanpa waterbath method. Tapi suhu memang kena rendahkan. 
In the oven, looks like ice cream. Did not bake using waterbath technique. Just lower down the temperature. So tempting. Yummy!Yummy!


300g biskut oreo + digestive
75g mentega cair

500g cream cheese
110g gula kastor
1/2 sudu besar esen vanila
2 biji telor
150ml whipping cream (saya guna sekotak 200ml)
1 sudu besar lemon juice
20 keping biskut oreo di buang krim + pecah pecahkan

1. Dasar = Hancurkan biskut oreo + digestive kemudian letakkan mentega cair. Masukkan ke dalam cupcakes dan tekan padat. Bakar dalam oven selama 10 minit. Selepas itu keluarkan
2. Dalam mangkuk pukul cream cheese, masukkan gula kastor. Pukul sebati.
3. Masukkan telor satu persatu dan esen vanilla.
4. Campurkan whipping cream dan lemon juice. Kacau sebati.
5. Masukkan pecahan biskut oreo. Gaul rata.
6. Letakkan ke dalam cupcakes.
7. Kalau suka boleh letakkan blueberries di atas. Tak letak pun tak apa.
8. Bakar pada suhu 135 darjah ( rendahkan suhu ) selama 30minit. Ikut tahap kepanasan oven masing-masing.

Recipe Oreo Blueberries Cheese Cupcakes

300g oreo + digestive(up to you all whether want to put or not)
75g melt butter
500g crem cheese
110g castor sugar
1/2 table spoon esen vanilla
2 eggs
150ml whipping cream ( i put 200ml)
1 table spoon lemon juice
20 pieces oreo , break it take out the filling cream

1. Base = Crash the oreos + melt butter. Put in the cupcakes and press it hard. Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Temperature 135 degrees, depends on individu oven.
2. In a bowl put cream cheese + castor sugar = beat well.
3. Put the egss one by one + esen vanilla.
4.Put in whipping cream + lemon juice = beat well.
5. Put in the break oreos and stir.
6. Put inside the cup cakes.
7.If you like can put blueberries on top .
8. Bake for about 30minutes at lower temperature.(depends on individu oven)

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