
Monday, April 9, 2012

My Lovely Eggplant or Terung

Pokok terung ku tumbuh segar bugar. Seronok tak terkata. Terima Kasih pada Cik Arman kerana telah memberi anak pokok terung. Kalau nak tanam guna anak benih , minta maaflah memang tak menjadi. Ada terung yang berwarna hijau, terung bulat, terung pipit dan terung panjang. Yang saya tanam ni jenis yang panjang. Terung ni memang banyak khasiat. Kaya dengan Vitamin A, B1, B2 & C. Terung ni boleh menurunkan kolesterol & darah tinggi. Ianya sangat berkesan untuk pesakit gout juga.

My lovely eggplant grow healthy. I am so happy to see it. Thanks to Mr Arman for giving me the young eggplant tree to be planted. If i grow it by using seeds it will not come out. There are eggplants in green colour, the round and also the long ones. The type that i am planting is the long one. Eggplant is rich in vitamin A,B1,B2 & C. It can also lower down cholesterol & high blood pressure & also effective for gout patients.

Masih kecil tapi segar.
Still young but healthy. 

Daun yang lebar.
Big leafes.

Bunga terung.
The eggplant flower.

Banyak kudup bunga tapi tak berapa lekat sangat.
A lot of buds but did not stick well.

Cantik. Kali pertama melihat bunga terung.
Beautifull, this is the first time i see the eggplant flower.

Tu dia dah keluar buahnya.
Yes, its coming out.


2 biji yang menjadi.
2 big ones.

Segar dari taman. Yang ni masih muda. Bijinya pun kecil lagi. Tak sabar nak tunggu besar lagi takut busuk.
Fresh from the gardens. The seeds is still small. I just can't wait for it to grow bigger. Scare that it will be spoilt by the insects.

Sambal terong berlada dimakan bersama nasi panas. Memang sedap.
After picking, straight away i cook it to taste the freshness. Eat with hot rice. Yummy.....

Lovely eggplant flower collage.

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