
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ros Damask...wangi sangat

Ros ni dipanggil Damask atau ros kampung. Ianya sangat wangi tapi biasalah kalau bunga tu baunya wangi sesangat jangka hayatnya tak lama.  3 hari je dah berderai ke bumi. Ros ni antara yang mula - mula saya tanam. Sekarang ni dah bertahun tapi masih segar lagi pokoknya.

These roses were called "Damask" or the village roses. It smells is very very nice but it does not last long. After 3 days the petals will drop off. This is one of the erliest roses that i planted. About a few years with me and still healthy.

Suka tengok ni.
Love to see this . So lovely.

Di kampung, pokok ros mak saya keluar 28 kudup, wah ! Sangat banyak tapi tak semua mekar serentak. Sekali mekar 8 kuntum sekali. Maksimum ros saya akan berbunga hanya 3 kuntum dan kalau nasib baik 5 kuntum.
Back in my hometown, my mom roses have 28 buds, its a lot but it doesn't bloom all at once. One time it will open about 8 roses. Its still alot. Mine maximum bloom is 3 roses at one time. If i am lucky it will bloom around 5.

Suka sangat warna pink ni.
Love the colours so much.

Rasa nak tambah lagi roses jenis ni. Tanam banyak-banyak bila lalu di tepi memang sangat-sangat wangi.
Plan to increase these types of roses. Planted a lot and it will give a very very nice smell.

Nampak tak cik lebah tu , bukan main seronok lagi menghisap madu.
See the bees sucking honey from the roses.

3 kuntum mekar sekali.
3 buds opens together.

Pokok ros ni saya tanam dalam pasu sederhana besar dan sepokok lagi menumpang dalam pasu besar si melur.
This roses i planted in as medium size pot. I have another one which is in a big pot together with jasmine.


  1. salam ..comel-comel rosenya..satu pun saya tak de..nanti nak try tanam jugala

    1. Salam...cubalah tanam...bila tengok ros tu berbunga ada satu perasaan yang tak terkata.....terapi minda juga.
