
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Classic Vanilla Birthday Cake With Caramel Pastry

Panjang tak nama kek ni. Semuanya gara-gara menonton rancangan Anna Alson at AFC 703. Nampak cara dia buat cam senang je so konon nak try buat as a birthday cake to me. Bila tengok kat TV cam senang bila print resepinya mak ai....panjang berjela. Kuatkan semangat buat jugalah.

Caramel sos tu memang sedap sebab bercampur kastard.

Melimpah-limpah kastardnya kan...

Kalau tengok Anna Alson punya kek, memang tak sama sebab ada bahan yang anna letak saya tak letak. Ubahsuai sendiri ikut citarasa sendiri. Sebenarnya bahan tak da. Mana nak cari vanilla bean?

Meleleh-leleh ....

Nak translate kan resepi ni pun lama masanya so refer referlah kat original resepi Anna tu ya.....kot...kot...ada yang termiss.

The custard really tempting.


Bahan kek
- 3/4 cawan butter suhu bilik (saya guna butter SCS 250g)
-1 1/3 cawan gula
-3 biji telor size besar, suhu bilik
-2 sudu kecil esen vanilla
-2 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
-1 1/2 sudu kecil baking powder
-1/2 sudu baking soda
- 1 cawan buttermilk pada suhu bilik

-Panaskan oven pada suhu 150 darjah, ikut kepanasan oven masing-masing.
-Sediakan 2 loyang size 8 " yang diletakkan kertas tracing paper dan disapu dengan butter.
-Pukul butter + gula sehingga fluffy kemudian campurkan telor satu persatu. Masukkan esen vanilla.
-Ayakkan tepung + baking powder + baking soda. Masukkan berselang seli dengan buttermilk, bernula dengan tepung dan dikaup balik menggunaka scrapper. Masukkan adunan ke dalam 2 loyang tadi.
-Masak kek selama 25-30 minit mengikut ove masing -masing. Setelah masak, sejukkan atas redai.


-1 cawan susu
-1/2 sudu vanilla bean (saya letak esen vanilla)
-1 1/2 sudu kecil vanilla bean paste (tak letak)
-3 biji kuning telor
-3 sudu besar gula
-2 sudu besar tepung jagung
-2 sudu besar butter

-Panaskan susu bersama esen vanilla.
-Dalam mangkuk, whisk kuning telor + gula + tepung jagung. 
-Whisk susu panas tadi ke dalam adunan kuning telor dan masukkan butter , kacau rata selama 2 minit sehingga berkilat.
-Guna plastic wrap untuk menutup permukaan atas custard, sjukkan pada suhu bilik dan sejukkan dalam fridge. 
-Pastry cream ni boleh disimpan selama 4 hari dalam fridge.


-3sudu besar air
-1 cawan gula
-1 sudu white corn syrup(saya guna golden syrup je)
-1 cawan whipping cream
-1 resepi basic vanilla pastry cream, sejuk

-Letakkan gula, air dan golden syrup dalam periuk dan masakkan atas api yang perlahan.
-Jangan kacau gula di dalam tu, ambil brush dan sapu sekelilin periuk dengan air sehingga gula bertukar warna perang sedikit. Kacau dan masukkan whipping cream, kacau rata berhati - hati dan sejukkan pada suhu bilik. Ambil 1/3 cawan caramel sos dan masukkan ke dalam pastry cream dan sejukkan sementara nak assemble kek.

Saya tidak menggunakan resepi anna untuk frosting.

-60g putih telor ( lebih kurang 2 biji size L)
-100g gula
-170g butter - keluarkan dari peti sejuk dan potong 10-12ketul, lakukan sebelum memukul putih telor supaya butter lembut sedikit tapi jangan cair.
-sedikit peanut butter

-Satukan putih telor dan gula ke dalam mangkuk tahan panas secara double boiler. Jangan terlalu panas. Kacau dengan hand whisk hingga gula larut selama 3 minit. Bila pegang dengan jari tak rasa berketul gulanya. Halus je.
-Angkat mangkuk dan letakkan atas towel biar sejuk sedikit baru di putar sehingga menjadi meringue dan boleh masukkan butter sedikit demi sedikit. Putar selama 6-10minit dan masukkan peanut butter dan pewarna jika nak letak.

-Letak sekeping kek atas papan dan masukkan swiss meringue buttercream ke dalam piping bag dan pipekan sekeliling atas permukaan kek untuk membuat tebing.
-Ambil separuh vanilla pastry cream campur dengan separuh caramel pastry cream kacau rata. Tuangkan di tengah-tengah kek yang dikelilingi oleh tebing buttercream tadi. Letakkan sekeping lagi kek di atasnya.
-Salutkan keseluruhan kek dengan buttercream satu layer nipis dan simpan dalam fridge selama 20 minit. Keluarkan kek dan sapu lagi buttercream keseluruhannya. Buat lagi tebing di atas permukaan kek. Ambil balance vanilla pastry cream  + separuh caramel pastry cream = kacau rata. Tuangkan atas permukaan kek. Bolehlah hias kek mengikut citarasa anda.

Selamat Mencuba !!!!!



  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar
  • 3 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups cake and pastry flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup buttermilk, room temperature

Caramel Pastry Cream

  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon white corn syrup
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 recipe Basic Vanilla Pastry Cream, chilled

Basic Vanilla Pastry Cream

  • 1 cup 2% milk
  • 1/2 vanilla bean
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Frosting and Assembly

  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 4-6 cups icing sugar, sifted
  • 6 tablespoons 2% milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract



  1. For the cake preheat the oven to 350 F. Grease two 8-inch round cake pans. Line the bottom of each pan with parchment paper and then flour the sides of the pans, tapping out any excess.
  2. Using electric beaters or a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar until fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the vanilla.
  3. In a separate bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add this alternately with the buttermilk, starting and ending with the flour and mixing well after each addition. Divide the batter evenly between the 2 pans.
  4. Bake the cakes for 25 to 35 minutes, or until a tester inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool the cakes for 20 minutes in their pans, then carefully turn out to cool completely on a rack.

Caramel Pastry Cream

  1. For the caramel pastry cream, bring the water, sugar and corn syrup to a full boil in a medium saucepot. Boil, uncovered and without stirring, occasionally brushing the sides of the pot with water, until it is a light amber colour. Whisk in the cream gradually (take care for the steam) until fully incorporated, and cool to room temperature. Whisk 1/3 cup of the caramel sauce into the pastry cream and chill until ready to assemble.

Basic Vanilla Pastry Cream

  1. 1. Heat the milk with the scraped seeds of the vanilla bean or the vanilla bean paste until just below a simmer.
  2. 2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch. Ready a bowl with the butter, placing a strainer on top of it.
  3. 3. Gradually whisk the hot milk into egg mixture and then return it all to the pot. Whisk this constantly (switching to a spatula now and again, to get into the corners) over medium heat until thickened and glossy, about 2 minutes. Pour this immediately through the strainer, whisking it through if needed, and stir in the butter. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly over the surface of the custard, cool to room temperature and then chill completely until ready to use.
  4. The pastry cream will keep up to 4 days refrigerated.
  5. Used in conjunction with other listed ingredients to make the Caramel Pastry Cream.

Frosting and Assembly

  1. For the frosting, use a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or using electric beaters, beat the butter until it is fluffy, Add 2 cups of the icing sugar and first beat on low speed to incorporate, then increase the speed to high, until fluffy. Add the milk and vanilla and beat in. Add the remaining 2 cups of icing sugar and beat in, adding further up to 6 cups until a fluffy and spreadable consistency is achieved (the softness of your butter when you begin is the reason you may have to make this adjustment).
  2. To assemble, place the first cake layer on a plate or platter. Fill a piping bag fitted with a plain tip with about a cup of frosting and pipe a ring around the outside of the cake (this prevents the pastry cream from seeping out). Scrape half of the caramel pastry cream into the centre of this and spread to level. Top this with the second cake layer, and spread a thin coating of frosting on the top and sides of the cake and chill for 20 minutes (this is the crumb coat). Now completely coat the top and sides of the cake with frosting and level until smooth. Using a pastry bag fitted with a piping tip of your choice, pipe a design on the top edge of the cake. Stir the remaining caramel sauce into the remaining half of the caramel pastry cream and spread this on the top of the cake. Chill until ready to serve.
  3. The cake can be made up to a day in advance and stored, refrigerated until ready to serve.

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