
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Summer Scarlet=Valentine Roses

Roses ni asal namaya dipanggil Summer Scarlet lepas tu dapat nama baru iaitu Valentine Roses. Saya rasa saya suka kan nama yang lama , Summer Scarlet. Roses ni saya beli dah lama , 2 tahun lepas tapi masa tu tak tahu teknik penjagaan yang betul. Beli dan tanam begitu je tak dibelai pun. Sampai sekarang roses ni masih hidup tapi tak lebat daunnya. Baru baru ni saya telah menanam kembali roses ni dalam pasu besar yang baru. Ada perubahan sikit sebab banyak tunas baru yang muncul setelah dispray rose care dan di beri makan cukup cukup.

These roses previously known as Summer Scarlet, only recently it were change to Valentine Roses but i think i prefer the old name Summer Scarlet. I bought this roses , 2 years ago but at that time i dont really know the correct way of planting roses. Just bought and put aside, Till now the roses still alive but did grow very well. Recently I replanted the plant in a medium size pot. Theres changess where I can see lots of new shoot coming out, this happen after I spray ross care and give them a lot of supplement.

Photo ni diambil 2 tahun lepas menggunakan Canon camera. Terjumpa pulak photo ni, tu yang saya baru update dalam blog.
This photo were taken back 2 years ago with my first Canon camera. Found this photo which I havent put in my blog.

Kelopak yang cantik dan bau yang sedikit wangi.
Lovely petals and smells nice too but very mild.

Suka yang ni. Warna merah yang sangat cantik tidak terlalu terang.
 Love this one. Nice red colour and not to striking.

Roses ni kalau berbunga sekali memang banyak.
This roses once blooms a lot.

Its really awesome.

Lovely Summer Scarlet = Valentine Roses.

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