
Friday, April 5, 2013

Grand Lexis, Port Dickson..............

Cuti sekolah pada bulan Mar'13 yang lepas, kami telah ke Grand Lexis, Port Dickson. Last sekali ke sini ialah 7 tahun lepas, lama kan. Sebelum ni we all stay kat water chalet. So Grand Lexis now ada product baru iaitu private pool. Horay.......bestnya.

Last school holiday, we went to Grand Lexis, Port Dickson. Just to have a short break only. We stay for one night only. Last time we went here 7 years ago. Very very long time ago. We stayed in thier water chalet. Now they have a new product ......private pool beside the room.

Pandangan dari dalam toilet. Tingkap dibuka dan nampaklah kolam mandinya. Cantik. Mulalah berangankan................apa yang diangankan.........adalah........
Nice view from the toilet. When the window is open you can see the swimming pool.....My imigination starts now.......he.....he......

Budak-budak nampak ni dah tak sabar nak mandi. A simple pool dengan taman kecil yang menarik. Mulalah berangan lagi......jeng....jeng...biarlan saya simpan angan angan ni ya......sehingga menjadi. Dalamnya 4 kaki sahaja. Taklah dalam sangat.  Tak payah susah nak bawak pelampung sebab disediakan 2 biji. 
The kids cant wait to swim. Its a small pool with a small garden. The depth of the pool is only 4 feet. Not so deep.

Ni di bahagian dalam. Yang bestnya ada 2 king size bed. Budak-budak ni suka sangat taklah tidur tu sempit sangat. Bilik ni memanjang je.
This room have 2 size king bed. The kids love it so much.

Barang-barang yang ada di bilik. Pokok kemboja ada banyak kat luar so saya petik dan masukkan dalam gelas. Tea and coffee pun banyak tapi mintak lebih pihak hotel tak bagi. Tak boleh refill gitu. Lagi satu kalau lambat check out kena bayar. Strict betul.
Items in the room. Theres a lot of "kemboja" tree outside the room so I pluck and arrange it in the glass.

Pandangan dari luar. Macam rumah berkembar.
The scenary outside the room.

Taman yang ada di setiap bilik or rumah kecil.
The garden outside the room or small house.

Ada banyak water chalet.  Rupanya susunan water chalet ni berbentuk bunga raya kalau dilihat dari atas.
Theres a lot of water chalet here. From on top you can see that this water chalet is built and design like our national flower "bunga raya" or hibiscus.

Sarapan pagi kat sini sorry to say tak sedap ya. Makan malam we all ke bandar PD, makan dekat benteng di kastam. OK lah banyak variasi kat sini. Order Char kueh tiow dan satay.....
Breakafast at the hotel is not nice. We have dinner in PD town, near the kastam area.

Mana mana pergi mesti snap photo bunga-bungaan yang sememangnya menjadi kegemaran saya.
Varieties of flowers around the hotel. 

Part ni paling best. Bersantai di tepi pool sambil menikmati juadah......he...he...kalau kat public pool to jangan haraplah nak makan minum cam ni kan.
The best thing when you have a private pool.......we can drink and eat whatever we want beside the pool. The pool is yours. You can sleep , eat or do whatever you like.

Ni part yang paling best..........berendamlah sampai tengah malam pun tak da sapa nak marah.......but offcourse mama and abah marahlah kan..................seronok tak terkata the kids. So malam tu budak budak ni dapat lesen besar, suka bukan main lagi berebut rebut nak terjun. Berendam sampai kecut kecut jarinya.
This is the best can swim all nigt as long as you want nobody is going to scold you but mummy and daddy will..............the kids enjoy it so much.

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