
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Macarons untuk Cik Maria....

Kali ni dapat order dari Cik officemate......Tq for ordering dear...

Kali ni pilih colour blue since sebelum ni banyak guna colour pink...

Masa nak buat ni punyalah berdoa agar macs ni turn out good...I were so lucky all batches turn out good....lega rasaya...

Pack in small boxes for 20 pieces...

Suka tengok banyak begini...

The nutella ni suka sangat melt....must put in fridger first...

The cros section .....not too sweet just nice...

I love to use nutella as filling sebab senang  and it tastes so good...

Tak puas nak tengok the photo....pack and to be delivered to Maria kat office je..

This macs tak besar sangat pun....super loving to photo shoot only one or two pieces ok lah...

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