
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Carrot Cupcakes

Dah cuba buat carrot cake , sekarang cuba pula carrot cup cakes.
Tried carrot cake, now try carrot cup cakes.

Letakkan lebih walnut di atas kek. 
Sprinkle more walnut on top.

Kelihatan seperti ais krim.
Looks like ice cream.

Bahagian dalam. Sedapnya.
The inner part. Its yummy...yummy...

Carrot Cup Cakes

1 cup brown sugar ( i use white sugar)
1 cup vegetable oil
3 large eggs
Pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
2 cups self raising flour
2 cups finely grated carrot
1/2 cup walnuts finely chopped
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream Cheese Frosting(adapted from Martha Stewart)
250g cream cheese - room temperature
115g unsalted butter - room temperature (i use normal butter)
1 teaspoon vanilla
zest of 1 orange, finally grated ( i did not put this)

1- Heat oven to 150 degrees Celsius. ( depend individus oven)
2- Beat sugar & oil until thick, then add 1 egg at a time and keep beating for a few minutes.
3- Add salt, bicarbonate soda, carrots, flour, walnuts, raisins & spices. Mix with wooden spoon until all combined.
4-Pour the batter inside the cupcakes. Bake for 20 minutes or until light golden colour. Baking time depend on your oven.


Place butter and cream cheese in a mixing bowl. Beat until smooth and well blended. Sift in confectioners' sugar and gradually beat until smooth. Add vanilla & orange zest, stir to combine

Carrot Cupcakes


1 cawan gula merah 
1 cawan minyak sayuran
3 biji telor saiz besar
secubit garam
1/2 sude kecil bikarbonat soda
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
2 cawan lobak yang disagat (3 biji lobak)
1/2 cawan walnuts cincang
1/2 cawan raisins - tak letak pun boleh
3/4 sudu kecil nutmeg
3/4 sudu kecil serbuk kayu manis
1 sudu kecil vanilla

250g cream cheese
115g butter
125g icing sugar
1 sudu kecil vanilla
kulit orange yang disagat

1- Pansakan oven ke 150 darjah ( bergantung kepada oven setiap individu)
2-Pukul gula & minyak sehingga tebal/pekat. Masukkan telor satu persatu dan dipukul beberapa minit lagi.
3-Letakkan garam, bikarbonat soda, carrot, tepung, walnuts, raisins, serbuk kulit kayu manis, serbuk nutmeg. Kacau rata.
4-Sendukkan adunan ke dalam cupcake.
5-Bakar selama 20 minit atau hingga warna kekuningan.

Cara untuk icing
-Masukkan butter dan cream cheese ke dalam mangkuk dan pukul sehingga sebati . Masukkan icing sugar dan pukul lagi. Akhir sekali masukkan kulit orange yang disagat tadi. Kacau rata.
-Setelah kek masak dan sejuk barulah letakkan icing.

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