
Monday, November 28, 2011

Si Ulat Bulu / Dear Caterpillar

Di taman saya, terdapat banyak haiwan yang suka singgah bersantai. Al maklumlah banyak tumbuhan dedaun hijau yang lembut. Belalang, rama-rama, burung,siput dan kali ni dapat 2 jenis ulat bulu yang suka menghancurkan pokok bunga saya.

In my garden, theres a lot of animals that like to drop by due to theres a lot of greenish and soft leafs. Grasshopper, butterfly, birds, snails and now i got these 2 types of caterpillar. Both love to destroy my flower.

Ni ulat bulu yang cantik. Rasanya ini yang akan membentuk menjadi rama-rama.
This is a nice caterpillar. I think this one will become the beautifull butterfly.

Seronoknya dia merayap kat pintu pagar.
How nice this caterpillar landing at my house gate.

Ni ulat bulu yang berlainan jenis. Warna coklat. Meremang bulunya. Kalau terkena kulit boleh menyebabkan kegatalan.
This is a different type of caterpillar. Brown in colour. If it landed on our skin will make us feel very itchy.

Sungguh tenang si ulat bulu ni. Dah kenyanglah katakan.
So relaxing this caterpillar. I think his stomach if full.

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