
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bunga-bungaan di Bukit Frasers

Percutian yang lalu kami ke Bukit Frasers, kali ni nak cerita pasal bunga-bungaan di sini. Kekurangan tanah rata di sini menyebabkan tidak terdapat banyak pokok bunga yang ditanam. Rasanya Cameron Highlands lagi menarik kerana terdapat berbagai jenis bungaan.
Last holiday we went to Bukit Frasers, this time want to tell about flowers here. There is not much flat lands here, therfore not many flowers were planted. I think Cameron Highlands is still the best for its flowers.

Rasanya pokok ni memang sangat unik bunganya. Terdapat 2 warna = putih cream + peach.
I love to see this flower. It looks very unique. In 2 colours = cream whitish + peach

Pokoknya memang besar.
The tree is really big.

Bunga ni memang banyak terdapat di Bukit Frasers. Terdapat dalam berbagi warna.
This flower can be found a lot and its in different colours.

Lain-lain bunga yang terdapat di sini. Yang kuning tu bunga dahlia.
Other flowers that you can see here.

Rasa terkilan juga sebab di sini tak banyak bunga ros. Sepatutnya di tanam lebih banyak bunga ros. Yang warna merah jambu tu bukan ros tapi seakan ros bentuknya.
A bit frustrated due to there is not many roses planted. Something should be done by the authority to pant more roses. The pink is not roses but looks like one.

Bunga- bunga yang ada di sini.
Other flowers.

Strawberry + kobis bunga + lemon
Sayuran dan buah-buahan yang terdapat di sini.
Vegetables and fruits that can be found here. 

Hydrangeas atau Bunga 3 Bulan yang terdapat di The SmokeHouse Restaurant and Hotel. Memang sangat sukakan bunga ni.
Hydrangeas at The SmokeHouse Restaurant and Hotel. Love this so much.
Orkid yang sangat cantik di The Paddocks (tempat menunggang kuda).
This orchids is beautifull. Can be found at The Paddocks.(place you can ride horses)

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