
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bunga Cina or Gardenia Augusta (scientific)

Bunga Cina ni dah lama ditanam tapi baru berbunga sekuntum sahaja. Nama saintifiknya ialah Gardenia Augusta. Pernah terlintas nak buang saja pokok ni sebab tak berbunga-bunga. Selepas melihat sekuntum bunganya yang cantik dan berbau harum , tak jadilah nak buang. Ada orang kata pokok ni boleh mengubatkan penyakit demam. Caranya ambil ramas 7 helai daun dengan secawan air yang dicampur sedikit gula batu lalu diminum 2 kali sehari. Tapi tak pernah cuba lagi.
Bunga Cina or Gardenia Augusta, i have planted it for so long but only now it blooms. Only one. I tought of throwing away this plant since it did not have any flowers. After looking at he flower which is beautifull and have a nice smell, i dont think so i want to throw it away. Some people says that this plant can cure fever. Just take 7 pieces of its leaf  and crush it a little bit with one cup of water mix with hard sugar than drink it twice a day. But i have not tried this.

Memang cantik.
Really beautifull.

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