
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Si Ulat bulu lagi.......Caterpillars agian..........

Hai! Macam-macam jenis ulat bulu ada kat taman saya ni. Ni satu jenis lagi yang tak berbulu.
In my garden there are many types of caterpillar.

Berpolka dot kuning pulak.
This one with yellow polka dot.

Sedapnya makan daun pokok yang lembut ni ya. Nyam-nyam gitu.........geramnya.
How nice this creature eat my leaves and tree. The stems and leaves are very soft thats why he likes it soo much.

Tengok sampai togel dikerjakannya si ulat bulu ni. Kebetulan pokok ni batang dan daunnya dari jenis lembut. Sedaplah dia makan. Dahlah tu bukan sekor dua yang hinggap ni berekor ekor...........sakit hati ku.
See, what did he do to my tree. All leaves gone. The stems and leaves very soft thats why they like it soo much. Not only one but lots of caterpillars attacking my tree.

Ulat bulu ni memang suka menghancurkan pokok -pokok saya. Kena selalu spray dengan air bawang putih dan cili padi. Lepas tu kena rajin membelek-belek pokok untuk mencari sang ulat bulu ni.
This caterpillar loves to destroy my tree. Will have to spray with water mix with garlic and chilies. Than have to be more hardworking to see the tree from being attack by these caterpillars.


  1. unik plak ulat ni tapi geli geleman menengoknya. banyak plak tu.

    1. Memang geli geleman..tapi saya tak kira , saya lenyek semuanya.geram.

  2. I see you have very hungry caterpillars! They look quite funny actually, but it's a pity that they ate your plant :(

    1. These caterpillars make me feel very angry. 1st time I saw this type. Pity me they ate my beautifull plants.very sad.

  3. salam anne..memang unik ulat dilaman awk ni..ada tompok..mesti cantik kalau jd rama-rama...
    gemok kan lepas kerjakan daun..kat laman sy..pokok limau jadi mangsa..

    1. wsalam nadia, unik memang sangat unik tak sempat nak experiment jadi buterfly coz saya dah lenyek lenyek dia geram. Tulah memang gemuk ulat ni....

  4. huhhh... banyak nye ulat bulu..mana tg tu....
