
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Summer Snow Roses.....Medina

Lagi satu my favourite roses. Baru je beberapa bulan dapat dari Mami Yawinscha. Ros Medina ni bergugus juga. Sebelum ni group roses di FB memanggil ros ni dengan nama medina atau yvonne rabbier tapi setelah Mami Yawinscha berjaya menggoggle rupanya nama roses ni yang sebenarnya ialah Summer Snow. Summer Snow ni ditemui oleh Charles H.Perkins pada tahun 1938 di United States. Hebatkan kita di sini pun dah boleh tanam roses dari US ni.

One of my favourite roses, Medina. Just a few months I got it from Mami Yawinscha. This were frequently known as Medina or Yvonne Rabboer but lately Mami Yawinscha in Roses Forever group in FB discover that the correct name is Summer Snow. This roses were found by Charles H.Perkins in 1938.

Kudup mula-mula warna cream cair tapi bila mengembang bertukar warna kepada putih suci bersih. Ros ni baunya wangi sedikit saja.
The buds is light creamy but when it opens it changes to white. This roses have a mild fragrance.

Cantik sesangat.
Simply beautifull....Love it so much.

Nilah bila semua mekar bergugus.
When all the buds open one shot.

Boleh mekar sekuntum juga. Putih suci bersih nasib tak dicium cik trhrips. Tips spray H20 masa sedang kudup lagi.
The buds can also open one only. Very whitish colour. Lucky Mr. Thrips did not attack. Easy tips spray with H20 (for mosquitoes).

Tanam dalam pasu rasanya size nombor 3, sederhana besar.
Plant the roses in medium size pot.

Lovely collage.


  1. These roses look beautiful! I prefer white roses than red or pink, I think that white roses are the most beautiful!

    1. Thanks dewberry.As for me i love coloured roses like pink, yellow & others. once a while see white roses also beautifull.

  2. putih melepak mcm salji. sesuai dgn id nya tu.

    1. Tulah sesuai namanya... tapi says suka nama Medina jug a.

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