
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Macarons teal...

Love to do macarons but dont really like to eat it. My kids memang suka this sweet macarons. Just love to see the feet come out and doing photo shoot.

This time round menjadi pulak macarons ni.....bila nampak the feet come out memang tersangat happy. This time using swiss meringue macarons. This type the castor sugar plus white egg is being double boiled......larutkan till the gula hilang...I dont have thermometer to measure so just agak agak saja. When you touch the sugar dah dissolve/larut means its good enough .....put the bowl on a towel to cool it before we whip it...


As always my favourtie filling will be Nutella......senang dan cepat....

I have extra buttercream so I put some below nutella..

Cant have enough doing photoshoot......

Macarons before the the feet...ha...ha...

The tower.....if the macarons surface is flat than easy to stack it...

The taste tough is sweet I still can take it but only for 2 pieces at one time...

They are ready to fill up....

Love to see this........walau dah buat banyak kali ....ada kalanya tak menjadi juga. It all depends on the technique........tak boleh over whip, tak boleh over fold and must dry well.....banyak betul pantang larang buat macarons ni......

I love this beautifull...

This time I use swiss meringue method and I think this method always goes well with me....selalunya menjadi...Macarons ada 3 method of doing it :
1) french -the easiest and many people use this as its simple but I fail using this method
2) swiss meringue - sugar and egg white double boil. I love this coz it works for me
3) Italian - use a hot sugar syrup. Havent tried this. Will try soon.
 Hmm....see the it......forget the sweetness for a while....he...he...I always use Kak Rima Bisousatoi resepi. Thank you for sharing. For resepi can klik HERE .

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