Lama mengidam nak beli bunga lili ni.....susah nak dapat...kalau ke bandar di florist asyik habis je. One day terjumpa this fresh lili kat AON Jusco , Bandar Dato Onn...
So happy to see them.....I just grab them...
These 3 lilis cost me RM18.90.
They have a very strong smells actually...unfortunately saying seribu kali sayang not all love the smells I have to bring it to office....ha...ha...
Sekali pandang macam bunga tiruan kan but no this are real flowers...
Ni masa mula baru beli...masih berkudup lagi...These lilis last about a week with me....
So tetamu hari tu dapatlah bau fresh lilis ni.....
saya suka juga ni.. tp sy jenis appreciate kalo nmpak bunga je hehe.. cntik n simple bunganya. suka yg bunga besar2 puas hti